
Structure Type: Course
Code: KA01CKATE15
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 5.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Esala, Jussi
Teacher Team: Esala, Jussi ; Tiainen, Juha
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
MAELINK-2013   4 autumn   5.0   2016-08-01   2016-12-31  
MAELINK-2014   4 autumn   5.0   2017-08-01   2017-12-31  
MAELINK-2015   3 spring   5.0   2018-01-01   2018-07-31  
MAELINK-2016   3 spring   5.0   2019-01-01   2019-07-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students will understand the importance of bioenergy as a part of the current and future energy policies in Finland. Students will be familiar with the production process and logistics of the most common bioenergy sources in Finland. They will be able to evaluate critically energy options and technology for a bioenergy plant for a farm.

Student's Workload

Total work load of the course is 135 h containing different activities typical to moodle course

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Farm Energy technology


•- Bioenergy policy
- •Energy balance
- •Bioenergy options and their technologies
- Entrepreneurship in bioenergy

Recommended or Required Reading

- Pahkala K. et al. 2009. Peltobiomassat globaalina energianlähteenä. MTT Agrifood Research Finland publications 137. Online publication.

- Alm, M. 2014. Uusiutuva energia Näkemyksiä menestyksestä. Ministry of Employment and The Economy. Branch Rapport 4/2014. Availability:

- Knuuttila K. (ed.). 2003. Puuenergia. Jyväskylän Teknologiakeskus OY.

- Teräväinen H. (ed.). 2006. Maatilayrityksen bioenergian tuotanto. ProAgria, Tieto tuottamaan 115.

- Kymäläinen, M. ja Pakarinen, O. (toim.) 2015. Biokaasuteknologia Raaka-aineet, prosessointi ja lopputuotteiden hyödyntäminen. Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu. Availability:

- Viirimäki J. (ed.) 2008. Maatilan hakelämmitysopas. Etelä-Pohjanmaan metsäkeskus. Availability:

- Lämpöä puusta puhtaasti ja uusiutuvasti: pellettilämmitys. Motiva 2009. Online publication. Availability:

- Bioenergy in Europe. Implementation of EU Directives and Policies relating to Bioenergy in Europe and RD&D Priorities for the Future. Availability:

- How much bioenergy can Europe produce without harming the environment? EEA Report No 7/2006. Availability:

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

•Online course in Moodle

Assessment Criteria

Level 1: Students recognize the terms: energy balance, carbon balance and energy potential. They will be able to list some energy crops important in Finland as well as they can list some features of the production system of them.
Level 3: Students will be able to describe terms energy balance and energy potential. Students know the most important bioenergy crops in Finland and will be able to describe shortly the production process and usage of them.
Level 5: Students will be able to describe the importance of bioenergy as a part of the current and future energy policy in Finland. They will be able to use terms such as energy balance and energy potential in their occupational discussions. Students will be able to describe the production process, logistics and usage of most common bioenergy alternatives in Finland.

Assessment Methods

•Active participation and approved assignments

Work Placement

