Introduction to Welfare Society

Structure Type: Course
Code: SOSAPJ10
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 3.0 points
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
SOSALA-2015   1 autumn   3.0   2015-08-01   2015-12-31  
SOSALA-2016   1 autumn   3.0   2016-08-01   2016-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to explain the concept of welfare society, its features, operating principles and historical development stages. Students can explain what commonalities and differences exist between the Finnish welfare society and Nordic and European welfare models. Students know in what way welfare services are part of the functions of a welfare state. Students know the baisc principles of Finlands national economy and understand its effects on peoples lives. Students are able to follow economical discussion. They are able describe the respective roles and responsibilities of public, private and third sectors in welfare society. Students know what is meant by formal and informal help. They can explain what future changes and challenges can be expected in welfare societies and their various sectors.

Student's Workload

80 hours

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

no prerequisities


- the concept of welfare society
- Nordic and European welfare models
- welfare services as part of the welfare society
- the public sector as a provider of welfare services
- the private sector as as provider of welfare sevices
- funding of welfare state
- the third sector as a provider of welfare service
- informal and formal help

Recommended or Required Reading

- Toikko, T. Sosiaalipalveluiden kehityssuunnat. 2012.
- Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä ja vastuut.
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.
- Hyvinvointipolitiikka.
- Palola, E. & Karjalainen, V. (toim.) 2011. Hukassa vai uuden jäljillä. THL: Helsinki.
- Teacher's material

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

lectures, discussions, independent study, online learning, exam

Assessment Criteria

Scale 1-5
Grade 5:
Students are able to name some essential features and principles of welfare society. Students can describe gestures of different welfare models. They are able to recognize roles and perspectives of change concerning different sectors as actors of welfare society. Students skills of economical literacy is possible to recognize.
Grade 3-4:
Students are able to explain definition of welfare society, its essential features and principles. Students can name gestures of different welfare models. They are capable to compare roles of different sectors and their perspectives of change as actors of welfare society.
Grade 1-2:
Students are name essential features and principles of welfare society. Students can describe gestures of different welfare models. They are capable to recognize roles of different sectors and their perspectives of change as actors of welfare society.

Assessment Methods

independent study, assigments in group and exam based on lectures and literature

Work Placement

the study course does not include practice
