Responsible rural tourism
Structure Type: | Course |
Code: | LTVAML105 |
Type: | Free choise |
Level: | Bachelor |
Credits: | 2.0 points |
Responsible Teacher: | Janhunen, Jenny |
Teacher Team: | Janhunen, Jenny |
Language of Instruction: | Finnish |
Learning Outcomes
The student is understands the basic fundamental concepts of rural tourism. Student can interpret the main characteristics, possibilities and challenges of rural tourism. Student can present critical analysis of rural tourism development. Student is able to develop new ideas for rural tourism products and services. Student knows how to adapt research knowledge in tourism business by adopting responsible tourism principles.
Student's Workload
Total work load of the course 54h of which scheduled studies 10h hours and autonomous studies 44h.
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
Tourism as a global phenomenon
Rural tourism development, local perspective
Characteristics of rural tourism, the possibilities and challenges
Economic impacts of tourism
Operating environment and local actor clusters
Recommended or Required Reading
Jyllilä, S. & Kortesluoma, A. (2015). Maaseutumatkailun nykytila Etelä-Pohjanmaalla v. 2014.
Kortesluoma, 2013: Etelä-Pohjanmaan matkailustrategia vuosille 2013–2017
TEM matkailun toimialaraportit; Matkailu, Matkailun ohjelmapalvelut. Maaseutumatkailu (uusimmat)
Veijola, S. (toim.) (2013) Matkailututkimuksen lukukirja. Porvoo: Bookwell.
Other literature, reports and research papers (announced at the beginning of the course)
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Independent work online
Assessment Criteria
Excellent (5): The student has carried out the course assignments excellently and actively participated in the study unit. The student is able to describe the main concepts of rural tourism. The student recognizes both the possibilities and challenges of rural tourism development in global and regional tourism market from different perspectives. The student is able to critically evaluate and analyze tourism products and services in rural areas. The student un-derstands the economic impacts of tourism regionally and is able to evaluate that data. The student is able to adapt research data to rural operating environment. The student is able to develop new, innovative operating models to tourism companies operating in rural areas.
Good (4-3): The student has carried out the course assignments well and actively participated in the study unit. The student is able to describe the main concepts of rural tourism. The student recognizes both the possibilities and challenges of rural tourism development in global and regional tourism market from different perspectives. The student is able to critically evaluate and analyze tourism products and services in rural areas. The student understands the economic impacts of tourism regionally and is able to evaluate that data. The student is able to adapt research data to rural operating environment. The student is able to develop new, innovative operating models to tourism companies operating in rural areas.
Satisfactory (2-1): The student has carried out the course assignments and participated in the study unit. The student is able to describe the main concepts of rural tourism. The student recognizes both the possibilities and challenges of rural tourism development in global and regional tourism market from different perspectives. The student is able to critically evaluate and analyze tourism products and services in rural areas. The student understands the economic impacts of tourism regionally and is able to evaluate that data. The student is able to adapt research data to rural operating environment. The student is able to develop new, inno-vative operating models to tourism companies operating in rural areas.
Assessment Methods
learning assignment
participation in a discussion groups during lectures and online
a summary of the learning experiences
Work Placement
Further Information