Social Rehabilitation
Structure Type: | Course |
Code: | SOSAPS50 |
Type: | Elective |
Level: | Bachelor |
Credits: | 4.0 points |
Language of Instruction: | Finnish |
Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester
Curriculum   | Semester   | Credits   | Start of Semester   | End of Semester |
SOSALA-2015   |
2 spring   |
4.0   |
2017-01-01   |
2017-07-31   |
SOSALA-2016   |
2 spring   |
4.0   |
2018-01-01   |
2018-07-31   |
Learning Outcomes
Students learn to use a psychosocial approach and professional interaction in social rehabilitation. Students become aware of the challenges various groups of clients may have regarding indendent life, management of daily activities, community involvement and social engagement at various stages of their lives. Examples are: people with addictions, mentally disabled people and people in metal rehabilitation. Students learn the principles, aims and process of social rehabilitation. They learn to know practices, work orientations, methods and international models of social rehabilitation. Students know how to participate in planning, implementing and evaluating rehabilitation within the scope of their job description. Students learn to apply the methods in practical work situations and they learn to develop and evaluate their action.
Student's Workload
106 hours
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work
- the concept of social rehabilitation
- the forms of social rehabilitation
- needs and special features in social rehabilitation for different client groups
- the rehabilitative approach to work
- the rehabiliation process
- providers of social rehabilitation
- the client- and resource-centred approach in the rehabilitation process, dialogy
- planning, implementation and evaluation of social rehabilitation
- multiprofessional collaboration
Recommended or Required Reading
- Arnkil, T. E. & Seikkula, J. 2014. ”Nehän kuunteli meitä!” Dialogeja monissa suhteissa. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos (THL) Suomen valtio.
- Härkäpää, K. & Järvikoski, A. 2011. Kuntoutuksen perusteet. Sanoma Pro Oy.
- Karjalainen, P. 2011. Kuntouttava sosiaalityö. Teoksessa Kananoja, Aulikki & Lähteinen, Martti & Marjamäki, Pirjo (toim.) Sosiaalityön käsikirja. Tietosanoma.
- Murto, K. 2013. Terapeuttinen yhteisö. Suomen yhteisöakatemia Oy.
- Törrönen, M. & Pärnä, K. (toim.) 2010. Voimaannuttavat suhteet perhekuntoutuksessa. Mannerheimin Lastensuojeluliiton Lasten ja Nuorten Kuntoutussäätiö.
- Tuusa , M. & Ala-Kauhaluoma M. 2014. Selvitys nuorten sosiaalisesta kuntoutuksesta. STM raportteja ja muistioita 2014:42.
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
- Independent study and study in groups (contact teaching, case examplses, learning assignments, exam.
- Possibility for learning at work.
Assessment Criteria
Scale 1-5.
Grade 5:
The students
- have capacities to give reasons and to apply in wide range the psychosocial orientation and professional interaction in interactive situations of social rehabilitation
- can evaluate challenges, which different client groups may have connected to independent life, every day activities, participation in community and belonging to society
- can justify and combine, from multiple perspectives, the principles, the goals and the process of social rehabilitation
- are able to compare, from several different perspectives, the concepts, the orientations, the methods and the international models of social rehabilitation
- are capable to plan, to implement, to evaluate and to justify a rehabilitation process as one member of the team according to the working field
- are able to choose the most accessible solutions to practical situations from different models and orientations of rehabilitation
- are able to develop, to evaluate and to state their individual actions
Grade 3-4:
The students
- have capacities to apply essential parts of psychosocial orientation and professional interaction in interactive situations of social rehabilitation
- can analyze challenges, which different client groups may have connected to independent life, every day activities, participation in community and belonging to society
- can categorize principles, goals and process of social rehabilitation
- are able to analyze concepts, orientations, methods and international models of social rehabilitation
- are capable to plan, to implement, to evaluate and to justify a rehabilitation process, as one member of the team, according to the working field
- are able to find justified and essential solutions to practical situations by using models and orientations of rehabilitation
- are able to develop, to evaluate and to justify their individual actions
Grade 1-2:
The students
- are able to apply some elements of psychosocial orientation and professional interaction in interactive situations of social rehabilitation
- can describe challenges, which different client groups may have connected to independent life, every day activities, participation in community and belonging to society
- can explain principles, goals and process of social rehabilitation
- are able to interpret concepts, orientations, methods and international models of social rehabilitation
- are capable to plan, to implement and to evaluate rehabilitation process, as a member of a team, according to the working field
- are able to find solutions to practical situations by using models and orientations of rehabilitation
- are able to develop and to evaluate some elements of their individual actions
Assessment Methods
- Learning assignment and exam based on lectures and literature.
Work Placement
the course does not include practice
Further Information
Students choose between this course and the following courses:
- Coaching for Studies and Work
- Family Counselling
- Social Counselling in Residential Care Units
- Social Counselling in Community Care
-Social Work in Multiprofessional Settings