Finnish society and social and health services

Structure Type: Module
Code: KFG11B2
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 16.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Zechner, Minna
Teacher Team: Jokiranta, Kari ; Hietaniemi, Elina ; Koivula, Anna-Kaarina ; Vallejo Medina, Aila ; Zechner, Minna
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

Students will gain an overview of the historical development of the Finnish society and understand how social and health problems are related to the development of society and to the action of individuals and communities. They will become familiar with social and health problems in Finnish society, challenges in social, health and eldelry policy, target and action programmes and important laws and quality management documents in health care, social welfare and elderly care sector. Students will gain insight into the entire service delivery system, including public, community and private health and social services, and their aims and development challenges. Students will begin their growth into internal entrepreneurship and become aware of the importance of an entrepreneurial approach to their studies and to the provision of elderly care services.
