Pricing and profitability

Structure Type: Course
Code: KD07BMMA305
Type: Elective
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 2.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Länsiluoto, Aapo
Teacher Team: Länsiluoto, Aapo
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

Student is able to create different calculations about the relationship between pricing and profitability. Different pricing alternatives and determinants are investigated. Basic terms are analyzed concerning pricing. Students can evaluate the significance of pricing and profitability for firms in the domestic and foreign markets.

Student's Workload

54 hours (including lectures, practices and independent working)

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No previous studies are required.


Customer profitability analysis, pricing alternatives, cost-volume profit analysis, elasticity, pricing of products and services.

Recommended or Required Reading

Järvenpää M., Länsiluoto A., Partanen V. ja Pellinen J. (2010) Talousohjaus ja kustannuslaskenta, WSOYpro, ISBN 978-951-0-35813-9.
Laitinen Erkki K. (2007) Kilpailukykyä hinnoittelulla. Economica-sarja. Talentum, Helsinki. 2007.
Material provided by the teacher

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, practices and independent work

Assessment Criteria

Excellent 5
Student is able to implement different pricing calculations at an excellent level. Student is able to apply pricing alternatives and different pricing determinants at an excellent level.

Good 4-3
Student is able to implement different pricing calculations at a good level. Student is able to apply pricing alternatives and knows different pricing determinants at a good level.

Satisfactory 2-1
Student knows different pricing calculations. Student is able to apply pricing alternatives and knows different pricing determinants.

Assessment Methods

The criteria are agreed upon at the beginning of the course.

Work Placement

Work placement is not included in the course.

Further Information

