Family Caregiving and Rehabilitation

Structure Type: Course
Code: GERAPJ300
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 5.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Ranta, Riitta
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
VANTYO-2015   2 autumn   5.0   2016-08-01   2016-12-31  
VANTYO-2016   2 autumn   5.0   2017-08-01   2017-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students learn to see family care-giving from the perspectives of the old person's family/significant others and from the perspective of services. Students learn to analyse and evaluate research, reports and guidelines on family care-giving. They will be able to organise, develop, support and supervise family care-giving. Students will become familiar with the basic ideas of client-centred rehabilitation philosophy and learn to work in collaboration with other professionals and the client's significant others/ family care-givers to promote the client's rehabilitation.

Student's Workload

132 hours
- lectures and seminars 40 h
- seeing the client family 40 hours
- independent study 52 hours

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

The module Foundation of Gerontological Care and Social Work


- family care-giving and other informal care in research
- supporting family care-giving and other informal care; means and methods of support
- development challenges in family care-giving
- the philosophy and important concepts in rehabilitation
- Act on Informal Care Support, rehabilitation acts
- the aged person as a client in rehabilitation
- a care and rehabilitation plan for the client family

Recommended or Required Reading

- Laki omaishoidontuesta. 2005/937. Saatavana.
- Kansallinen omaishoidon kehittämisohjelma. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön raportteja 2013:10. STM 2013.
- Halmesmäki ym. 2010. Minäkö omaishoitaja? Ensiopas omaishoidosta.

- Härkäpää, K. 2005. Kuntoutuksen perusteet.
- Pitkälä ym. 2006. Kuntoutumisen solmukohtia - Geriatrisen kuntoutuksen ja tutkimus- ja kehittämishanke. (Soveltuvin osin).
- research chosen by students

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

lectures, cooperative learning, summaries of research, seminars, meeting client families

Assessment Criteria

Grade 5:
Students are able to analyse theories of family care-giving and rehabilitation from the perspectives of the old person's family/significant others and from the perspective of services. Students know how to analyse and explain research, reports and guidelines on family care-giving. They are able to organise, develop, support and supervise family care-giving. Students understand the client-centred rehabilitation philosophy and are able to work in collaboration with other professionals and the client's significant others/ family care-givers to promote the client's rehabilitation.
Grade 3:
Students are able to interpret theories of family care-giving and rehabilitation from the perspectives of the old person's family/significant others and from the perspective of services. Students know how to present and explain research, reports and guidelines on family care-giving. They are able to organise, develop, support and supervise family care-giving. Students know the client-centred rehabilitation philosophy and are able to work in collaboration with other professionals and the client's significant others/ family care-givers to promote the client's rehabilitation.
Grade 1:
Students have some knowledge of theories of family care-giving and rehabilitation from the perspectives of the old person's family/significant others and from the perspective of services. Students know how to present research, reports and guidelines on family care-giving. They are able to organise, support and supervise family care-giving. Students know the main points in client-centred rehabilitation philosophy and are able to work in collaboration with other professionals and the client's significant others/ family care-givers to promote the client's rehabilitation.

Assessment Methods

summary of research and presentation 20%, exam or essay 30%, care and rehabilitation plan for a client family 50%

Work Placement

the course includes 40 hours of practice
