Management of Expert Organization and Services
Structure Type: | Course |
Code: | KG30KEJO07 |
Type: | Compulsory |
Level: | Master |
Credits: | 4.0 points |
Responsible Teacher: | Heikkilä, Asta |
Teacher Team: | Heikkilä, Asta |
Language of Instruction: | Finnish |
Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester
Curriculum   | Semester   | Credits   | Start of Semester   | End of Semester |
KEJO-2016   |
1 autumn   |
3.0   |
2016-08-01   |
2016-12-31   |
KEJO-2016   |
1 spring   |
1.0   |
2017-01-01   |
2017-07-31   |
Learning Outcomes
The Student is able
- to evaluate the significance of organization culture, values, ethics and complexity in work community to the management and operation of the organization,
- to analyze and evaluate the processes of health care and social services, and to plan actions in multi-professional networks to increase the customer-oriented and effective services, and
- to compare the different quality systems and to evaluate their applicability to health care and social services.
Student's Workload
106 h in total; will be announced more specific at the beginning of the course
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
No previous studies are required
Organization Culture, Values and Ethics in Management and Function of Organization
Complexity Management in Work Community
Management of Customer-Oriented and Effective Health Care and Social Services
Quality, Quality Systems and Management of Quality
Activity in Networks and Network Management
Recommended or Required Reading
Hahtela, N. 2015. Workplace Culture in Primary Health Care. The connection to nursing-sensitive outcomes. Academic Dissertation. University of Tampere, School of Health Sciences, Finland. Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis 1607. Tampere: Tampere University Press. Available:
Holopainen, A., Junttila, K., Jylhä, V., Korhonen, A. & Seppänen, S. 2013. Johda näyttö käyttöön hoitotyössä. Helsinki: Fioca Oy.
Ikola-Norrbacka, R. 2011. Eettinen julkisjohtaminen. Teoksessa Hyyryläinen, E. & Viinamäki, O-P. (toim.) Julkinen hallinto ja julkinen johtaminen. Juhlakirja professori Ari Salmisen 60-vuotispäivän kunniaksi. Acta Wasaensia no 238, Julkisjohtaminen 16, s. 88–103. Available:
Etene 2011. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan eettinen perusta. Etene-julkaisuja 32. Available:
Kuntaliitto 2014. Tartu verkkoon - työvälineitä verkostojen johtamiseen ja kehittämiseen. Helsinki: Suomen Kuntaliitto. Available:
Kuntaliitto 2011. Terveydenhuollon laatuopas. Kuntaliiton verkkojulkaisu. Helsinki. Available:
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö 2013. Laatusuositus hyvän ikääntymisen turvaamiseksi ja palvelujen parantamiseksi. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön julkaisuja 2013:11. Available:
Tevameri, T. & Kallio, T. 2009. Matriisi- ja prosessimainen toimintatapa sairaalaorganisaatioiden uudelleenkehittämisessä. Hallinnon Tutkimus 1, 15-32.
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Lectures, discussions, group work, independent study, e-learning in Moodle
Assessment Criteria
Satisfactory level (1-2):
The student has participated actively in the course. Student has shown in the course ability to comprehend the basic concepts of the course. Student has been able to use the basic concepts of the course in the assignment of the course.
Good level (3-4):
The student has carried out work very well and participated actively and constructively in the course. Student has shown in the course ability to comprehend the concepts of the course and apply critically the concepts in practical cases: Student has been able to develop creative solutions in the assignment of the course
Excellent level (5):
The student has carried out work to an excellent standard and participated actively and constructively in the course. Student has shown in the course ability to comprehend the concepts of the course and apply in a versatile way and critically the concepts in practical cases: Student has been able to develop creative solutions in the assignment of the course.
Assessment Methods
Based on active participation in the contact lessons, group assignments and independent assignments