Substance abuse and criminal behaviour, literature

Structure Type: Course
Code: KF08DVV1000
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 3.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Kohtamäki, Tiina
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
SOSALA-2013   2 autumn   3.0   2014-09-01   2014-12-31  
SOSALA-2014   2 autumn   3.0   2015-08-01   2015-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to name factors that affect individuals' functional capacity and social engagement, with special reference to criminal behaviour and substance abuse. They will be able to discuss causes and consequences of substance abuse at the levels of the individual, community and society.

Student's Workload

78 h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

The course is intended for those students, who have already completed or will complete their sector studies during the academic year 2014-2015. (Students cannot choose literature from their own sector). Choose one of the exam days.


Will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Recommended or Required Reading

Tentitään seuraava teos:
- Laine, M. 2007. Kriminologia ja rankaisun sosiologia. Helsinki:Tietosanoma
sekä valitaan 3 teosta seuraavista:
- Irti päihdeongelmista. 2009. Tammi, T., Aalto, M. & Koski-Jännes, A. (toim.). Helsinki: Edita
- Ikääntyminen ja päihteet. Ammatillisia kohtaamisia arjessa 2010. Nykky T., Heino T., Myllymäki E.& Rinne T. (toim.) Helsinki: Kirjapaja
- Rahapelaaminen, pelaamisen aiheuttamat ongelmat ja niiden yhteys elintapoihin. Tutkimus työikäisistä suomalaisista vuonna 2008. Piispa, M., Laitalainen, E., Helakorpi, S., Halme, J., Alho, H. & Uutela, A. (toim.) Helsinki: THL. saatavana:
- Seppilä, S & Tillanen, S. 2009. Kiellettyä, mutta suvaittua: Kaksi puolta väkivallan kulttuurin ytimestä. Vaajakoski: Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy
-Maunu, A. 2012. Ryyppäämällä ryhmäksi? Ehkäisevän päihdetyön karttalehtiä nuorten ja nuorten aikuisten juomiskulttuureihin. EHYT ry
- Varjonen., Tanhua, H. & Forsell, M. 2014. Huumetilanne Suomessa 2013. THL. Saatavana:
- Addiktioyhteiskunta: riippuvuus aikamme ilmiönä 2013. Tammi, T. & Raento, P. (toim.) Helsinki: Gaudeamus
- Alkoholi- ja päihdehaitat läheisille, muille ihmisille ja yhteiskunnalle 2013. Warpenius, M., Holma, M. & Tigersted, C. (toim.) THL. Saatavana:

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Exam on literature

Assessment Criteria

Grade 1-2:
Students are able to name factors that affect individuals' functional capacity and social engagement, with special reference to criminal behaviour and substance abuse. They are able to discuss causes and consequences of substance abuse at the levels of the individual, community and society.
Grade 3-4:
Students are able to explain factors that affect individuals' functional capacity and social engagement, with special reference to criminal behaviour and substance abuse. They know how to apply knowledge and reflect on their conceptions of the use of intoxicants, substance abuse and crime. Students are also able reflect on the knowledge learnt and on their values, attitudes and actions from the perspective of professional ethics.
Grade 5:
Students are able to analyse factors that affect individuals' functional capacity and social engagement, with special reference to criminal behaviour and substance abuse. They know how to analyse the use of intoxicants and its causes and consequences for individuals, the community and society. They know how to apply knowledge with a critical and analytical eye and extensively reflect on their conceptions of the use of intoxicants, substance abuse and crime. Students are able to see their clients as unique individuals.

Assessment Methods

Assessment on a scale 1-5 will be based on the exam
