Students will be able to describe the operating principles of the most common types of control systems, name their central components, identify their usefulness and will be competent in making adjustments to them. Students will be able to explain the basics of satellite positioning system, precision farming and ISOBUS and learn their value in the development of agricultural technology.
Student's Workload
Total work load of the course: 135 h
- of which scheduled studies and exercises 65 h
- of which autonomous studies 70 h
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
Fundamnetals of agricultural technology
- Introduction to control system technology
- Operational principles of control systems
- Demonstrations of the control system
- Precision farming technology
Recommended or Required Reading
- Tuure V-M. & Suomi P. 2008. Maatalouskoneiden viljelijää palveleva automaatio. Työtehoseura Institute bulletins 608
- Other material as indicated during lessons
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
- Contact teaching: 50 %
- Assignment and other independent study: 50 %
Assessment Criteria
Level 1: Students will be able to describe with his own words how the control and automation system works. Students will be competent to make basic adjustments on control devices with the help of instruction manual .They will, also, be able to explain the basics of satellite positioning system and precision farming.
Level 3: Students will be able to describe how the control and automation system works and name their central components technically correct words and expressions. Students know the main components of control and automation devices used in agricultural machines and they will be competent to describe their functional features and make basic adjustments to them with the help of instruction manual. They will, also, be able to explain the basics of satellite positioning system and precision farming.
Level 5: Students will be able to list the operating principles of different control and automation systems with technically correct words and be able to evaluate their field of use. Students know the basics of ISOBUS and they will be aware of its significance. Students will be competent to make various adjustments on control devices used in agricultural machines and be able to give reasons to them. They will, also, be able to explain the functional principles of satellite positioning system and precision farming equipment and they will be able to describe the importance of them in the development of agricultural technology.
Assessment Methods
- Active participation in lessons
- Approved assignment
- Exam