Harmanen, Heikki ; Tall, Anna ; Riikonen, Leena ; Esala, Jussi
Language of Instruction:
Learning Outcomes
The student observes the events on the field during the growing period. The student identifies the most important weeds, blossoming wild plants and diseases and pests. The student learns to know the phases of development of plants and the need of plant protection and the nature objects with valuable environmental aspects. The student is aware of the factors which affect crop formation and the quality of the crop and can estimate the quality of the different stages of the crop farming and the factors which affect it. The student studies the agricultural technology which is used in the harvest and knows the essential points of testing the sprayer.
Student's Workload
Totally 133 h, activating lectures and practical work 80 h and autonomous studies 53 h.
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
Common professional studies in plant husbandry.
Plant species and varieties of the field crops, experimental areas, weeds, wild plants, diseases and pests, need of plant protection, becoming acquainted with the agricultural research, evaluation of results of practical cultivation methods, testing the sprayer, farm and agricultural retailer visits.
Recommended or Required Reading
Ajankohtaisia kasvinsuojeluohjeita 2012. Kasvinsuojeluseura
Erkamo 2001. Rikkakasviopas. Kasvinsuojeluseura. Other matherial as indicated.
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Activating lectures and practical work (60 %), autonomous working (40%).
Assessment Criteria
Grading will the announced during the course.
Assessment Methods
Active participation in lectures and training, approved reports, weed and wild plant collections.