Parenthood and upbringing

Structure Type: Course
Code: KF08DVV1400
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 3.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Veikkola, Kerttu
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
SOSALA-2013   2 autumn   3.0   2014-09-01   2014-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students will learn to analyse children's basic growth and development needs and common methods of bringing up children. They will understand meanings attached to goals, values, attitudes and practices in childrearing. Students will be able to support parenthood also in challenging situations and they will be able to analyse effects of childrearing responsibility in changing family and social structures.

Student's Workload

78 h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No previous studies are required.


Will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Recommended or Required Reading

Students choose four of the following:
- Frost J. 2006. Lapsityrannit: kehity kasvattajana. WSOY
- Nevalainen V. 2005. Aikuinen ja lapsi: kasvatuksesta voi selvitä hengissä. Edita
- Vanhemmuuden ja lapsen kasvun tukeminen päivähoidossa. 2004. Tammi
- Salmivalli C. 2005. Kaverien kanssa: Vertaissuhteet ja sosiaalinen kehitys. PS-kustannus
- Macmillan B. 2006. Miksi pojat ovat poikia ja miten kehittää heidän parhaita puoliaan. WSOY
- Sinkkonen J. 2005. Elämäni poikana. WSOY
- Pulkkinen L. 2002. Mukavaa yhdessä: sosiaalinen alkupääoma ja lapsen sosiaalinen kehitys. PS-kustannus
- Huhtanen K. 2007. Kun huoli herää: varhainen puuttuminen koulussa. PS-kustannus
- Sinkkonen-Kalland.2011. Varhaislapsuuden tunnesiteet ja niiden suojeleminen. WSOY.
- Kronqvist-Kumpulainen.2011. Lapsuuden oppimisympäristöt. Eheä polku varhaiskasvatuksesta kouluun

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Exam on literature

Assessment Criteria

Grade 1-2:
Students know and are able to name children's basic growth and development needs and common childrearing methods.
Grade 3-4:
Students understand meanings attached to goals, values and practices in childrearing and are able to support parenthood.
Grade 5:
Students are able to support parents in challenging situations and they know how to analyse the effects of childrearing responsibility in changing family and social structures.

Assessment Methods

Grading on a scale of 1-5.
