Public Health Nursing of Individuals, Families and Communities

Structure Type: Course
Code: THO5S18
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 18.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Palo, Raija
Teacher Team: Toukola, Marja ; Vierre, Else ; Mäki-Kojola, Tiina
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
TH-2015   4 autumn   18.0   2018-08-01   2018-12-31  
TH-2016   4 autumn   18.0   2019-08-01   2019-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Public health nursing of child-expecting families:

Students are able to counsel and support clients in issues related to their couple relationship and family planning. In cooperation with the families, students plan, implement and evaluate the monitoring and strengthening of child-expecting families' health, wellbeing and resources. Students know how to assess the health of the mother and fetus, detect risks related to pregrancy or childbirth and, when necessary, refer the client to further care. Student can manage labour and sudden deliveries. Students plan, implement and evaluate the newborn baby's and family's support and promote their participation.

Public health nursing of children, school-age children and young people:

In cooperation with families, students plan, implement and evaluate monitoring children's, school-age children's and young people's growth and development. Students know how to help children, school-age children and young people to make health-promoting choices. Students encourage the parents in their role and in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Students are able to assess children's, school-age children's and young people's needs for special support and follow-up care. Together with families and various stakeholders, students promote the creation of a safe community and environment.

Public health nursing of working-age people:
Students can explain what good occupational health service involves. They are able to assess the effects that work, work communities and environments can have on people's health. Students know how to plan, implement and evaluate action to promote the health of their clients (individuals, families, groups, workplaces, work or other communities). Students know how to work in multiprofessional work communities and in multiprofessional and multidisciplinary networks. They are able to plan, implement and evaluate rehabilitative public health nursing to promote the health and work capacity of work-age people, workplaces and communities.

Public health nursing of aged clients:

Students know how to plan, implement and evaluate public health nursing to promote aged people's health and ability to function. Students can assess risks factors and service needs related to aged people's health, living conditions and life situation and link the clients with the services available for them. Students can cooperate with aged clients and their families to promote clients' health and to ensure a dignified life. Students are able to implement nursing and public nursing in the client's home.

Student's Workload

Will be announced in the course implementation plan

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No previous studies required.


Public health nursing of child-expecting families:
Maternity services. Family planning, sexual and reproductive health. Family counselling to support parenthood, maternity, paternity and the couple relationship. Health examinations, screening, health counselling and guidance of mothers and families during pregnancy and puerperium. Detection of risk factors in pregnancy, referral to care, the need for special support and observation. The labour process, sudden childbirth and follow-up examination. Early interaction and support. Lactation consultation.

Public health nursing of children, school-age children and young people:
The service network for families, health services for school children and students. Children's, school age children's and young people's health examinations and observation and assessment of health. Supporting parents' resources, family life skills, health and wellbeing. Promoting client participation, participatory methods in health promotion. Lifestyle counselling, early intenventions and addressing concerns (e.g. mental health, weight control, intoxicants, sexual and reproductive health, violence). Early detection of special support or examinations, supporting the self-care of chronically ill people and, if necessary, referral to further care, child welfare services. Welfare services for school children and students; a safe school and study environment and community.

Public health nursing of working-age people: Occupational health services and their connections with various stakeholders. The most important laws and policies for occupational health services and occupational safety; reimbursement practices. Working-age people's health examinations; maintenance, promotion and observation of health, work capacity and ability to function at different stages of the career (including unemployed people). Principles of good occupational health practice, knowledge of worklife. Planning, implementation and follow-up of occupational health cooperation on the basis of workplace surveys. Assessment and management of work capacity, early support and rehabilitative action. A healthy environment; identifying resources, exposing agents, risks and stress factors in work environments and work communities. Common work-related diseases. Occupational safety and ergonomics. Health promotion in workplaces, work environments and work communities and observation of wellbeing at work in collaboration between various actors. Nursing/community nursing with a focus on occupational health.

Public health nursing of aged clients:
Home care: Home help services and home nursing. Aged clients' health examinations, health promotion, care and service plans. Special features in the health counselling of aged clients (e.g. physical exercise, nutrition, sexuality, sleep, ageing and chronic illness). Supporting clients' resources and ability to function. Early support, promoting client participation and influence. The possibilities and use of welfare technology. Supporting families/significant others. Challenging clients, e.g. cases of abuse. Rehabilitative approach to work (e.g. focussing on prevention and promotion of health, functional capacity and independent coping when seeing clients at the clinic or in their home)

Recommended or Required Reading

Äitiysneuvolaopas 2013. Suosituksia äitiysneuvolatoimintaan. THL 2013.

Laaja terveystarkastus : ohjeistus äitiys- ja lastenneuvolatoimintaan sekä kouluterveydenhuoltoon.
Hakulinen- Viitanen Tuovi, Hietanen-Peltola Marke, Wallin Mervi, Pelkonen Marjaana. THL 2012.

Kansallinen Imetysohjelma 2009-2012

Seulontatutkimukset ja yhteistyö äitiyshuollossa. Suositukset 1999. Oppaita 34. Stakes.

Edistä, ehkäise, vaikuta : Seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveyden toimintaohjelma 2014-2020

Nainen hoitotyön asiakkaana.

Hoitotyön suositus imetysohjauksesta HOTUS 2010.

Lastenneuvola lapsiperheiden tukena. Suuntaviivat lastenneuvolatoiminnan järjestä-misestä kunnille. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön julkaisuja 13 / 2004, ;
Valtioneuvoston asetus neuvolatoiminnasta, koulu- ja opiskeluterveydenhuollosta
sekä lasten ja nuorten ehkäisevästä suun terveydenhuollosta. N:0 380. Saatavuus:

Mäki, Päivi & Wikström, Katja & Hakulinen-Viitanen, Tuovi & Laatikainen, Tiina (toim.): Terveystarkastukset lastenneuvolassa ja kouluterveydenhuollossa. Menetelmäkäsikirja. 2011 tai uudempi. THL. Juvenes Print.

Lapsi, perhe ja ruoka. Imeväis- ja leikki-ikäisten lasten, odottavien ja imettävien äitien ravitsemussuositus. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön julkaisuja 11/2004.

Kouluterveydenhuollon laatusuositus. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön oppaita 8 / 2004, ; Opiskeluterveydenhuollon opas. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön julkaisuja 12/2006,

Lyyra, T-M. & Pikkarainen, A. & Tiikkainen, P. (toim.) Vanheneminen ja terveys. 2007

Current study materials

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures. Cooperative learning. Online studies. Workshops. Simulation. Study visits. Independent study.

Assessment Criteria

Assessment criterias written in the study entity of Advanced Public Health Nursing during the ending phase of the studies

Assessment Methods

Exams. Assignments.

Work Placement

The course consists of practical assignments and theoretical studies.
