Meeting the basic needs and supporting the daily activities of the elderly
Structure Type:
3.0 points
Responsible Teacher:
Hietaniemi, Elina
Teacher Team:
Lahti, Marita ; Hietaniemi, Elina
Language of Instruction:
Learning Outcomes
Students will learn to assess the basic needs and functional capacity of healthy and sick elderly clients in various situations and environments and to apply nursing interventions to meet the clients' basic needs. Students will learn to promote and support elderly clients' rehabilitation and coping with activities of daily living.
Student's Workload
Will be announced at the beginning of the course.
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
No previous studies are required.
- Identifying and meeting elderly clients' basic needs
- Maintenance of functional capacity
- Common care and nursing interventions and asepsis
Recommended or Required Reading
Iivanainen, A. Syväoja, P. 2011. Hoida ja kirjaa; Hallila. L. (toim.) 2005. Näyttöön perustuva hoitotyö. Infektioiden torjunta sairaalassa, uusin (sov. osin),
Vallejo Medina A. ym. 2006. Vanhusten hoito.(s. 127- 147)
Lecture material and other material selected by the lecturer.
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Collaborative learning, laboratory work, individual assignment in practical training
Assessment Criteria
Grading will be announced during the course.
Assessment Methods
- Written examination
- Nursing plan completed during practical training
(numerical assessment 1-5)