Development and management of occupational health care
Structure Type: | Course |
Code: | KG30VVO02 |
Type: | Elective |
Level: | Master |
Credits: | 5.0 points |
Responsible Teacher: | Kyrönlahti, Eija |
Teacher Team: | Kyrönlahti, Eija |
Language of Instruction: | Finnish |
Learning Outcomes
Students are able to develop and evaluate activities, quality and impact of occupational health care with respect to current changes and challenges in working life. They are able to manage and co-ordinate activities. They have marketing skills and they are able to assume an entrepreneurial attitude as well as plan, implement and evaluate development projects in the work unit. Students are able to look at issues from both client and business perspective in an ethically sound way. They know how to apply, evaluate and develop practices, methods and models using multi-disciplinary knowledge and extend their competence in various sectors.
Student's Workload
130 hours (40 classroom, 90 independently)
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
No previous studies are required.
Management competence in occupational health care units
Specialized competence relating to customer businesses in occupational health care
Deepening knowledge on occupational health care and development
Recommended or Required Reading
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö 2004. Valtioneuvoston periaatepäätös Työterveys 2015. Työterveyshuollon kehittämislinjat. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön julkaisuja 2004:3. Helsinki
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö 2001. Asetus hyvästä työterveyshuoltokäytännöstä 1474/2001.
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Lectures, independent study
Assessment Criteria
Students know how to describe activities in occupational health care, including current worklife changes and challenges. They know what practices and methods are used to promote work ability. Students are also able to evaluate the impact of occupational health care on work ability from the perspective of clients and businesses.
Good (3-4)
Students know how to compare practises and methods used in occupational health service to respond to current worklife changes and challenges. Students are also able to evaluate the impact of occupational health care on work ability from the perspective of clients and businesses.
Excellent (5)
Students are able to analyse and evaluate practices and methods used in occupational health service to respond to current worklife changes and challenges. Students are also able to analyse and evaluate the impact of occupational health care on work ability from the perspective of clients and businesses.
Assessment Methods
based on individual assignments