Local Heating Plants and Energy Entrepreneurship

Structure Type: Course
Code: KA26YVSO107
Type: Elective
Level: Master
Credits: 5.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Lauhanen, Risto
Teacher Team: Holma, Heikki
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
B101-2014   2 autumn   5.0   2015-08-01   2015-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

The student will know the business of local heating plants and the principles for energy entrepreneurship. The student can also act in the managing, planning and development of local heating business jobs after this course. The student will know the basic terms of heating business and energy entrepreneurship and have multiple skills to develop his/her organization as well as to utilize and develop his/her own know-how.

Student's Workload

Total work load of the course is 135 h, of which:
- scheduled studies 45 h
- autonomous studies and exam 90 h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Basics of Bioenergy Technology, Forest Energy Procurement and Utilization, Energy Efficiency and Carbon Balance Calculation


-Basics of energy entrepreneurship
-Forest based fuel management
-Work safety
-Basics of boiler technics
-Calculations needed to build up a local heating plant business

Recommended or Required Reading

-Kari, M. (toim.) 2009. Maatilayrityksen energiaopas. Tieto tuottamaan 130. 96 s.

-Lauhanen, R. ym. 2014. Metsäenergialaskukirja ilmestyy 10/2014. www.seamk.fi

-Lepistö, T. (toim.) 2010. Laatuhakkeen tuotanto-opas. Kehittyvä metsäenergia –hanke. Etelä- Pohjanmaan Metsäkeskus.

-Viirimäki, J. (toim.) 2008. Maatilan hakelämmitysopas. Metsäkeskus.

-Ämmälä, M. (toim.). 2012. Pilketuotanto-opas. Kestävä metsäenergia -hanke.
Availability: http://www.metsakeskus.fi/sites/default/files/pilketuotanto-opas.pdf

-Other material will be pointed out in the beginning of the lectures

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

-Business plan
-Calculation exercises

Assessment Criteria

Will be announced in the beginning of the course

Assessment Methods

-Active participation on lectures (approved / fail)
-Written exam 50 %
-Assignments 50 %

Work Placement

