Book Graphics
Structure Type: | Course |
Code: | KH14BAGR24 |
Type: | Compulsory |
Level: | Bachelor |
Credits: | 8.0 points |
Responsible Teacher: | Savola, Esa |
Language of Instruction: | Finnish |
Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester
Curriculum   | Semester   | Credits   | Start of Semester   | End of Semester |
MK-2013   |
2 autumn   |
8.0   |
2014-09-01   |
2014-12-31   |
Learning Outcomes
The student is able to apply the knowledge obtained on the course in Typography while designing products defined as multi-page books.
- The student is able to design an authoring template and an image plan, as well as to find the typographic solutions for a book, be it a traditional printed book, e-book, etc.
- The student clearly perceives the difference between multi-page products of different kinds and the different lay-out solutions required
- The student is able to take into account the needs of the customer and the end user of the product (e.g. magazine >< book) and their visual requirements, and is able to implement this in practice, in exercises
- The student is able to verbally analyse the principles of extensive graphic products they see and to explain their own corresponding choices in a professionally adequate way
- The student is able to convert their layout into a product ready for printing, invite tenders, and to communicate with the customer and the printing house or, alternatively, to publish the product on the web or in another way.
- At best, the student is able to find new ways to solve problems caused by the technical change of book graphics - also such ones that have never been tried before. In this, they are able to take into account what they win or lose when departing from convention, and are able to express this verbally.
Student's Workload
Lectures 8 h, excursions 8 h, guided exercises 128 h, independent study 64 h
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
Basics of Graphic Design, Typography
Layout of a product for the publication stage, be it a printed or an electronic product
Functional differences of a book (way of reading), cf. e.g. a magazine
Impact of the informational content, usability, target group and desired aesthetics on layout/user interface
Cooperation between the customer and the printing house
Recommended or Required Reading
Independent information retrieval
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
lectures, excursions, exercises, independent study
Assessment Criteria
Design process develops poorly with different stages unclearly defined, personal achievements and counselling in unbalance, specification(s), goal(s) and criteria for intended product(s) not clearly organized and analyzed, background work for design commission minimal, quantity and quality of design work (iteratively poor, routine like, mechanical) barely acceptable compared to time used, presentation(s) (customer meeting(s), portfolio, partial deliveries, assessment discussions, final delivery, complementary deliveries etc.) only moderately (overall comprehensiveness, visual and verbal quality) and mechanically developed by student.
Design process develops satisfactorily with different stages at least partially defined, personal achievements and counselling still in some respect unbalanced, specification(s), goal(s) and criteria for intended product(s) satisfactorily organized and analyzed, background work for design commission in most respect satisfactory but with little source criticism, quantity and quality of design work (iteratively modest, routine like but with some personal traits) satisfactory compared to time used, presentation(s) (customer meeting(s), portfolio, partial deliveries, assessment discussions, final delivery, complementary deliveries etc.) satisfactorily (overall comprehensiveness, visual and verbal quality) and with some personal traits developed by student.
Design process develops fairly good with different stages clearly defined, personal achievements and counselling are in most respect balanced, specification(s), goal(s) and criteria for intended product(s) in main respects well organized and analyzed, background work for design commission is good with adequate source criticism, quantity and quality of design work (iteratively good, fairly innovative and with clear personal traits) good compared to time used, presentation(s) (customer meeting(s), portfolio, partial deliveries, assessment discussions, final delivery, complementary deliveries etc.) good (overall comprehensiveness, visual and verbal quality) and with clear personal traits developed by student.
Design process develops very good with different stages very clearly defined, personal achievements and counselling are in all respect balanced, specification(s), goal(s) and criteria for intended product(s) in all respects well organized and analyzed, background work for design commission is very good with clear source criticism, quantity and quality of design work (iteratively very good, clearly innovative and with strong personal traits) very good compared to time used, presentation(s) (customer meeting(s), portfolio, partial deliveries, assessment discussions, final delivery, complementary deliveries etc.) very good (overall comprehensiveness, visual and verbal quality) and with very personal traits developed by student.
Design process develops independently with different stages sharply defined, personal achievements and counselling are excellently balanced, specification(s), goal(s) and criteria for intended product(s) in all respects excellently organized and analyzed, background work for design commission is extremely good with clear source criticism, quantity and quality of design work (iteratively excellent, very innovative and with artistic personal traits) excellent compared to time used, presentation(s) (customer meeting(s), portfolio, partial deliveries, assessment discussions, final delivery, complementary deliveries etc.) excellent (overall comprehensiveness, visual and verbal quality) and with strong and artistic personal traits developed by student.
Assessment Methods
outputs of workshop activities 100 %