Degree Programme in Food Processing and Biotechnology (In Finnish), 240 ECTS credits
> Course structure and key learning outcomesSpecialisations
Specialisation lines (30 ects) are:
- Food Technology
- Meat and Prepared Food Technology
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Engineering
Level of qualification
The degree programme leads to a higher education degree which is a first cycle Bachelor-level degree in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). According to the eight-level classification of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and National Qualifications Framework (NQF), the degree represents level 6.
Specific admission requirements
Please see the websites and
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning (RPL)
Within a degree program, responsible for RPL are the head of the department, the student adviser, and when needed, the teacher of the course in question. Their task is to inform the student of the recognition and assessment process, to discuss the Personal Study Plan with the student, and to guide the student in the demonstration of prior learning.
Project studies and the final thesis are not a part of RPL.
According to the degree regulation, prior learning of a subject expires in ten years.
Assessment is course-specific, defined by the teacher in question. Assessment methods are an exam (written or oral), practical work, a laboratory test, a field test or equivalent.
Qualification requirements and regulations
Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.
Pedagogical approach
The professional development of a student studying food processing and biotechnology is based on well-founded technical and scientific expertise, critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and the ability to work responsibly and together with others. The constructivist theory of learning is emphasised in the degree programme because students are encouraged to learn to combine theory with practice and to be able to reinforce their expertise based on previously learned knowledge and experiences. The programme offers students a strong foundation for professional development after their studies also.
The studies consist of basic studies, professional studies, free choice studies and modules of food technology, biotechnology, process technology and entrepreneurship. Practical work training and the final thesis are essential parts of the degree programme. The studies and lectures are organised into study units or courses, which are grouped into module structures relating to the subject area. Study units or courses are compulsory, alternative or free choice studies. The studies consists the application of basic sciences like chemistry, biology and physics to the novel technology.
In addition to traditional lectures, learning also involves practical laboratory exercises, assignments and calculations where students learn to understand the relationships between concepts. Small-scale reports and problem-solving projects pertaining to phenomena in the working world provide students with innovative and meaningful learning experiences. Practical training lasting the spring semester, visits to companies, and guest lecturers from area companies supplement the teaching and learning experience.
Profile of the programme
The degree programme consists of 240 ECTS and the studying time is approximately four years. The specialization lines are (1) Food Technology and (2) Meat and Prepared Food Technology. Orientation is selected during the second year of study.
The food processing and biotechnology industries are quickly globalising, and they are also competitive on the international level. The food processing industry in Finland is the most competitive of all of the branches of industry in the country. Finnish expertise in the field is among the best in the world, and the industry will continue to function in Finland despite the globalisation of production activities.
Engineers in the fields of food processing and biotechnology possess strong theoretical and practical expertise. Engineering graduates have command of the processing of biological material and knowledge of the special requirements for handling biological material, technical processing operations, and of the overall processes within their field. Professional expertise is based on solid scientific and technological know-how. The ability to follow the intense development in the field in Finland and abroad is a central challenge in coping in the working world. Significant factors contributing to change in the field are globalisation and the automation of production.
Occupational profiles
Engineers in the fields of food processing and biotechnology work in key positions in related industry. Graduates from the program may work as production supervisors, in quality control, product development or designing in the food industry such as meat industry, prepared food industry, bakeries, dairies, breweries, and confectionery factories or industrial services. They may also work for municipalities or the government as inspectors or educators. Typical job titles for engineers in the fields of food processing and biotechnology are supervisor, product developer, production designer, production supervisor, health inspector, quality controller, product manager, product development manager, or production manager. The job situation for engineers in the field is stable and the future looks bright.
Every student has the possibility to study at the higher education institutions of our international partners. The students study with the international exchange students. The courses can be implemented partially or wholly in English or in some other languages. The international and multicultural perspective and vision are centrally included in the study modules. The requirements and contents of the degree program are internationally comparable and the international teaching materials are being used in the courses.
Access to further studies
Students who have completed this programme are eligible to continue on to second-cycle higher education studies. For second-cycle studies in universities of applied sciences in Finland, three years’ work experience is also required.
Structure of the studies
The degree programme in Food Processing and Biotechnology (240 cr) comprises basic studies (59 cr), common professional studies (73 cr), specialisation studies (40 cr), entrepreneurship studies (15 cr), practical training (30 cr) and a final thesis (15 cr). Each of these parts of the programme is divided into modules and courses. The recommended time to complete the programme is four years.
Studies are divided into themes each academic year, as follows:
First year: knowledge for natural background
Second year: process management
Third year: production and quality know-how
Fourth year: the development
It will be possible for the students to attempt to the FramiPro studies especially during the second studying year. In the FramiPro learning environment students from different fields of study complete projects commissioned by companies and organisations.
The extent of the thesis is 15 credits. During the thesis writing process, students exhibit their knowledge of their profession through the research of a chosen topic. The faculty has been fairly flexible as regards the topics chosen for theses; however, students should consider the long-term advantages in their career and employment when choosing a topic.
Examination regulations, assessment and grading
Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.
Graduation requirements
Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and instructions for graduates at Intra.
Mode of study
Studying is a full-time with young student education. Adult education is part-time and implemented in varying teaching methods.
Contact persons
Head of degree programme
Mr Hannu Lassila, +358 40 830 4928 hannu.lassila(at)
ECTS departmental coordinator / International coordinator
Mrs Anna Tall, tel. +358 40 830 2136, e-mail: anna.tall(at)
Student counsellor
Mrs Eija Putula-Hautala, tel. +358 40 830 3953, e-mail: eija.putula-hautala(at)
Student services
Ms Mari Nuotio, tel. +358 40 8302191
e-mail mari.nuotio(at)