Degree Programme in Information Technology, 240 ECTS credits

- Software Engineering
- Networking Technology
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Engineering
Level of qualification
The degree programme leads to a higher education degree which is a first cycle Bachelor-level degree in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). According to the eight-level classification of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and National Qualifications Framework (NQF), the degree represents level 6.
Specific admission requirements
Please see the websites and
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning (RPL)
The head of the degree programme, student counsellor, and when necessary, the teacher of the course in question are responsible for RPL. Their task is to inform students of the recognition and assessment process, to discuss students' Personal Study Plan and to guide students in the demonstration of prior learning.
Project studies and the final thesis are not observed in RPL.
According to the degree regulation, prior learning of a subject expires in ten years.
Assessment is course-specific, defined by the teacher in question. Assessment methods are an exam (written or oral), practical work, a laboratory test, a field test or equivalent.
Qualification requirements and regulations
Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.
Pedagogical approach
A variety of teaching methods are used in the programmes to support students' professional development. Students work in small groups, listen to lectures by experts, work in the laboratory, do assignments, work in projects and obtain practical experience in real work environments.
Profile of the programme
Tens of thousands of IT engineers in Finland are employed in the product development of mobile phones, communications networks and control systems in automation. More and more, information technology is also associated with services; services are being digitally produced using communication networks. There is a constant demand for IT engineers to produce these services.
The Software Technology line of specialization produces engineers who are competent in utilising software technology in different applications for industries and businesses. During their studies in the programme, students gain knowledge and skills in telecommunications engineering, computer graphics, Internet and mobile programming, and automation systems programming.
The Networking Technology line of specialisation produces engineers who are competent in positions associated with networking development and maintenance. Students also acquire the readiness they need to work as administrators of information systems (IS) for enterprises. Students learn about information networks, telecommunications technology, Internet programming, and Linux- and Microsoft-based server technologies.
Occupational profiles
Engineers in information technology work in key positions in the technology industry and information technology software and service enterprises. Typical job titles for IT engineers include software developer, electronics developer and network specialist. Many IT engineers also work in sales and customer service.
Every student has the possibility to study at the higher education institutions of our international partners. The students study with the international mobility students. The courses can be implemented partially or wholly in English or in some other languages. The international and multicultural perspective and vision are centrally included in the study modules. The requirements and contents of the degree program are internationally comparable and the international teaching materials are being used in the courses.
Access to further studies
Students who have completed this programme are eligible to continue on to the university of applied sciences' master's degree in the area of specialisation.
Structure of the studies
Teaching in the Basic Studies concentrates on the principles of engineering sciences, language studies and developing students' social skills. Teaching in the Professional Studies concentrates on software technology, embedded systems, electronics, electrical engineering, telecommunications technology, and automation engineering. Students also choose one of the lines of specialisation: Software Technology, Embedded Systems, or Networking Technology.
The degree programme also requires students to do practical training (30 cr) in field-related companies. Additionally, students choose 10 credits of elective studies. They also do a final thesis worth 15 credits. The faculty has strong ties with universities of applied sciences in Europe, which offers students excellent opportunities to study or work abroad.
Examination regulations, assessment and grading
Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.
Graduation requirements
Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and instructions for graduates at Intra.
Mode of study
Young students study full-time in this programme.
Contact persons
Head of degree programme
Mr Hannu Reinilä, tel. +358 40 830 4160, e-mail: hannu.reinila(at)
ECTS departmental coordinator / International coordinator
Mr Tapio Pihlajaniemi, tapio.pihlajaniemi(at)
Student counsellor
Mr Markku Lahti, markku.lahti(at)