Library services
You need professional, scholarly and reliable information that will help you with your studies. As a student at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, you will find it at Seinäjoki Academic Library both in printed books and journals, as well as in electronic resources.
The Library serves students at three different units: Campus Library in Campus House on the Frami Campus,Health Library in Mediwest Building on the Koskenala Campus and Agriculture Library on the Ilmajoki Campus. Their opening hours and contact information are available on the library’s web pages.
It is worthwhile to use various books, journals and e-resources when doing your assignments. At the library you will find text books, research publications and other material that you will need for your studies. You can browse library collections, make reservations and renew your loans with the Library’s own web service, SeAMK-Finna.
The library also acquires material in electronic form. You can read e-books and e-journals in the university computer network and on your home computer or mobile device through remote access. If you are studying at home or off-campus, e-resources provided by the library are a big advantage. E-resources are conveniently available on the library’s web pages.
The information specialists of Seinäjoki Academic Library are responsible for the teaching of information retrieval which is included in your curriculum. Participate in the lessons and apply what you will learn to your assignments! You may always ask for instruction and guidance at the library. If you have a wider need for information, make an appointment with an information specialist – the service is free of charge.
The Library is a learner’s living room. If you need a peaceful place for studying or a space for doing group work, come to the library.
Please use the following resources:
- Seinäjoki Academic Library’s web pages
- SeAMK-Finna (printed and electronic books, journals, theses and databases)
- Theseus - the theses and publications of the Universities of Applied Sciences on the Internet
- Make an appointment with an information specialist