General registration procedure
A degree student must register as attending every academic year within the deadline set by the University of Applied Sciences. The student can register through the Winha student interface of the study management system, or in writing. Only students registered as attending are entitled to study and receive grades for completed courses.
A new student must register as attending at the same time they confirm they accept the study place offered. On that occasion, they register for the entire academic year.
A student who started their studies on 1 August 2015 or after this can register as non-attending having accepted their study place if, during their first year, the student
- 1) conducts service defined in the National Service Act (1438/2007), Non-Military Service Act (1446/2007) or the Act on Women’s Voluntary National Service (194/1995);
- 2) is on maternity, paternity or parental leave; or
- 3) is unable to start their studies because of their own disease or injury.
More specific instructions on registration as non-attending and counting of time allocated for the completion of studies are provided in the internal instructions of SeAMK, confirmed by the President of the University of Applied Sciences. A student registered as non-attending can neither pursue their studies nor is entitled to student financial aid.
A student who receives a study place but wishes to postpone the start of their studies through a notification of absence shall register the following year observing the same dates as new students do.
A student continuing their studies shall register as a student for the whole academic year between 15 April and 5 September.
Registration data can be changed during the registration period (15 April to 5 September) or at the change of semesters (1 December to 15 January).
More information about registration, please contact the Student Services Office. Student Services.